THE IDEA: Share ideas and connect our campus
Each Friday, we will post a topic of the week. We will take suggestions on topics. The topic will be emailed out and posted in this blog. We will also use twitter when we update our blog.
Over the course of the next 7 days, we will then have an ongoing discussion of this topic. People can either join in on twitter using the hashtag #58connect or they can read this blog and add comments.
The culminating event will be a Friday get together. Johnson Crossing staff members will gather together on Friday morning at 7:00 am in the designated classroom. Fremont Middle School will do the same. We can skype between the classrooms (we'll see how this goes).
If you would like to participate, please do so. If not, that's fine too!
- Participate when you are interested in the topic
- Participate when you have time
- Participate only in the twitter conversation
- Participate only in the classroom discussions
- Participate by adding comments on the blog
- Participate in all aspects of the 5-8 Connect
- Never Participate
Use #58connect at the end of each tweet related to the topic of the week. Please post articles you have read about the topic of the week. An added bonus of using twitter is that people from outside of our district will see our tweets and can share their experiences.
I encourage you all to create a blog. You can then share your blog via twitter.
If you don't want jump all the way in, then feel free to comment in the comment section of this blog. Check back and see what others are saying.
Come participate in the discussion in person. The Middle School will connect with Johnson Crossing using Skype. The discussion will be very informal. We may have a few questions to get us started and might bring in a few conversation points from the twitter and blog posts. The idea of these conversations is to spark action. We can learn from others and share with other people who have great ideas.
While a healthy dose of reality is important, these will never be complaining sessions. This will be for people looking to get together to have some coffee, conversation, and collegiality.